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Sunday - Jun. 16, 2024
Blog Ticker
(Continuously updated 24/7)

Sun Sentinel: Here's who just won four seats on the Broward County Commission

Sun Sentinel: Trump allies hope his daughter Tiffany's father-in-law can help flip Arab American votes in Michigan

Sun Sentinel: At Biden fundraiser, Hollywood and Democrats let the Trump attacks fly

Sun Sentinel: Trump, in pitch to Black voters in Detroit, casts Biden as anti-Black

TB Times: DeSantis signs condo bill. Some unit owners are threatening to sue.

Sun Sentinel: A program funded by soda tax helps low-income residents buy fruits and vegetables

TB Times: Florida officials hear suggestions on updating felon voting process

Sun Sentinel: Trump paints dark picture of America, promises rosy future if he defeats Biden

Sun Sentinel: Trump supporters gathering in West Palm Beach have a birthday wish — another term as president

Sun Sentinel: Florida condo owners get more rights in bill signed Friday by Gov. Ron DeSantis

Herald: DeSantis quietly signs controversial condo bill. Owners are already threatening to sue

Sun Sentinel: Democrats, many from South Florida, win 11 legislative seats. They include Bernard, Daley, Hunschofsky, Skidmore.

TB Times: Democrats field candidates in every Florida legislative race. Does it matter?

Sun Sentinel: In Palm Beach County, here's who won a School Board seat

Sun Sentinel: DeSantis says he, unlike Biden, wouldn't allow Cuba-bound Russian warships within sight of Florida's coastline

Herald: 'Ghost' candidate or disgruntled relative? Democrat's aunt runs under nearly identical name

Sun Sentinel: DeSantis says flood damage may not reach threshold for US emergency assistance order

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