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Slosberg sinks another $250K into Senate bid


Trying to knock off Sen. Jeff Clemens in a Palm Beach County Senate district, state Rep. Irv Slosberg has put another $250,000 of his own money into the campaign, a new finance report shows. Slosberg, D-Boca Raton, made $250,000 in loans to the campaign between July 9 and July 22, bringing to $420,000 the amount of money he has anted up since June 1. Slosberg had about $60,000 on hand in his campaign account as of July 22. Slosberg and Clemens, D-Lake Worth, are battling in the Aug. 30 Democratic primary in Senate District 31. Candidates are required to file updated finance reports by a Friday night deadline. Clemens' numbers had not been posted on the state Division of Elections website as of mid-day Friday.