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On Tap in the Capital- Monday, April 24, 2017

By The News Service of Florida


WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY WEIGHED: The House Commerce Committee will consider several bills, including a proposal (HB 687), filed by Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-St. Cloud, that would set statewide rules for what are known as "small wireless facilities" and take away authority of local governments. The issue focuses on equipment installed in public rights of way to handle 5G technology. (9 a.m., 212 Knott Building, the Capitol.)

FLORIDA FOREVER CHANGES PROPOSED: The House Government Accountability Committee will consider numerous issues, including a bill (PCB GAC 17-06) that would make changes in the way Florida Forever land-conservation funds are used. (9 a.m., Morris Hall, House Office Building, the Capitol.)

SCHOOL TESTING AT ISSUE: The House Education Committee will take up a bill (HB 773), filed by Rep. Manny Diaz Jr., R-Hialeah, and Rep. Chris Sprowls, R-Palm Harbor, that would make a series of changes in the state's standardized-testing requirements. (2 p.m., Reed Hall, House Office Building, the Capitol.)

MEDICAL MARIJUANA CONSIDERED: The House Health & Human Services Committee will consider a proposal (HB 1397), filed by Majority Leader Ray Rodrigues, R-Estero, that would carry out a November constitutional amendment that broadly legalized medical marijuana in Florida. (2 p.m., Morris Hall, House Office Building, the Capitol.)

'SANCTUARY CITIES' TARGETED: The House Judiciary Committee will consider a proposal (HB 697), filed by Rep. Larry Metz, R-Yalaha, that would crack down on local governments that don't go along with federal immigration enforcement --- an issue involving what are known as "sanctuary cities." (2 p.m., 404 House Office Building, the Capitol.)

'SPECIAL ORDER' CALENDAR SET: The Senate Special Order Calendar Group will meet to the set the "special order calendar," which lists bills that will be heard on the Senate floor. (2:30 p.m., 401 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.)

EMPLOYEE HEALTH CHANGES AT ISSUE: The Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee will consider a bill (HB 7007) that would revamp the health-insurance program for state employees. The bill, in part, would lead to employees choosing among four different levels of benefits beginning in 2020. The bill, a priority of House Republican leaders, would provide an incentive for employees to choose coverage that would cost less than the amount of money the state contributes for premiums. In those situations, the balance of the money would go to employees for such things as salary increases or purchasing additional health benefits. (3 p.m., 401 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.)

CONFIRMATION HEARINGS HELD: The Senate Ethics and Elections Committee will hold confirmation hearings for numerous appointees, including Justin Senior, secretary of the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration; Surgeon General Celeste Philip, secretary of the Florida Department of Health; Glenn Sutphin, executive director of the Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs; Jeffrey Bragg, secretary of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs; and Donald Polmann, a member of the Florida Public Service Commission. (5 p.m., 412 Knott Building, the Capitol.)

HOUSE SPECIAL ORDER SET: The House Rules & Policy Committee will set the "special order calendar," which lists bills that will be heard on the House floor. (5:30 p.m., 404 House Office Building, the Capitol.)


CORRECTIONS WORKERS SOUGHT: The Florida Department of Corrections will hold an employee-recruitment event in Columbia County. (9 a.m., Columbia Correctional Institution, Administration Building, 216 S.E. Corrections Way, Lake City.)

SHERIFFS HONOR FALLEN OFFICERS: The Florida Sheriffs Association will hold an annual memorial ceremony to honor officers who have died in the line of duty. (1:30 p.m., Florida Sheriffs Association headquarters, 2617 Mahan Dr., Tallahassee.)